The poster to show my finished design
A chair designed by me for my Furniture Design assignment at University; we had to design an extra function, which mine was a side table which can pivot out, this also has storage capability within it.
A chair designed by me for my Furniture Design assignment at University; we had to design an extra function, which mine was a side table which can pivot out, this also has storage capability within it.
A chair designed by me for my Furniture Design assignment at University; we had to design an extra function, which mine was a side table which can pivot out, this also has storage capability within it.
1:5 Physical models of my chair
Furniture Design

Uni work - Furniture design
- To design a chair with an extra function;
- - My chair was designed to be modern and stylish, its extra function is a side table which swings out from underneath which also has storage capability within it.

Henri Logan
CAD Engineer Gillingham, United Kingdom