URBAN IMAGE STUDIES [Urban image revitalization proposal]. THESIS
CITY BASE MAP [Source: City Council Archives]
My spatial sample by its nature is a public space that gives opportunity to commerce and therefore generates various types of public spaces where daily life occurs; some of them coexist in a lower or higher proportion, or percentage than others due the inherent compatibility that exists between them, some cannot exist without first generating the others. Groups of buildings with architecture, unity and integration take place in this landscape giving this space an exceptional value.
The urban scenery is irregular, a little broken or discontinuous. Its slope rises from South to North, which makes it possible to create different scenography that enrich the landscape.
In the analysis of an urban group of this nature where a significant percentage of the spatial sample in current land use lends itself to the mixed use of commercial housing and services, it is expected that the most suitable use is that of commercial public space, Both avenues of study would link into urban nodes and the landmarks would indicate their core, a planned assembly of these units weaved together would result in a dense, vivid and sustained urban image.
As these architectural landmarks are in a constant state of deconstruction, the user's mental georeferenced system is altered, thus affecting the sense of appreciation of the heritage because a physical visual clarity is lost; This is currently happening, there is a dissonance between what is and what had been altering our mental image.
Urban references have been de constructed and the nature of this experience of change over time can be decisive in determining the symbolism of the city user's mind.
The central area presents a dynamic image because it is where the greatest pedestrian and vehicular activity occurs, unlike the peripheries of the City where there is a more inert image. Regarding vegetation: very poor, total absence of tree-lined areas due to the narrowness of the sidewalks and streets, with the exception of the central park lot, most of the homes do not have retreats on the front line of property, there's lack of road signs. Some of the main species found are: Cypress, Narcissus, Royal Palm, Neem, Acacia, Indian laurel, Mango, Guava, Mamey, Almonds and coconut trees as well as ornamental plants such as lemon trees, rooster's tail, San Agustín grass, floral plants, among others.
Previous image shows the duality of use of the avenue in its entirety when it is exposed to a level of saturation that cancels any possibility of “readability” in its maximum capacity for agglomeration of users compared to a contrary situation of emptiness. There's no filter or defense against this type of pollution that abuses of certain “non-architectural” elements that alter the aesthetics, the image of both rural and urban landscapes, and that often generate an aggressive, invasive and simultaneous visual over-stimulation.
Notes on the graphic signs in the space and avenues as the architecture of the place; the symbol dominates the space and its graphic meanings are those that identify and unify urban context, this establishes verbal and symbolic connections, through space communicating complex meanings through hundreds of associations; The sign in the foreground as a protagonist.

URBAN IMAGE STUDIES [Urban image revitalization proposal]. THESIS.

Freelance, Full-time
Heyton Urtecho
Architecture and Brand Design Managua, Nicaragua