Southwesten Model in the Studio - A lovely model who posed for our painting group in Marietta GA. She was wrapped in this saffron dress and southwestern blanket.
A lovely yet provocative pose. It's easy to get caught up in the color of the Kimono falling off her shoulder or the fact that she is obviously not Asian yet this has a strongly cultural feeling. Whoops and there is the sensual feel of the flesh.
Nude in a chair. - One of my favorite little gems, this painting is in acrylic and painted from life in the studio of a friend and fellow artist (Shane McDonald) in Marietta GA.
"Tuesday Afternoon". Oil on Canvas
"Halcyon Days". Oil on canvas.
"Maricruz" Watercolor on Watercolor Canvas
"A Day At The Creek". Oil
"Sunrise At Lost Corner". Oil on canvas, painted Plein Air.
"While The Gods Were Sleeping" charcoal and white pastel on gray paper.
Fine Art_Figurative

The human figure has been one of the most challenging subjects for artists throughout time. I personally find the figure the most enjoyable and interesting subject.

Freelance, Full-time, Moonlighting
Charles Scogins
Creative & Art Services / Management Atlanta, GA