Heirlooms - A part of my painting a day series. Three colorful characters which represent my relationships to friends I have in real life. Or you could just enjoy the lush paint passages that come together to create the illusion of 3 tomatoes.
We might have to break a few eggs - think about it, yes another one of those paintings where it is not as it seems. About one of my favorite themes which is "human relationships". Or just enjoy the paint and color.
Shrimp and Lemons - Yep, another one of those you should look past the obvious.
Basket Still life of winter vegetables - A friend (Rick Paller) and I got together to paint on a cold winters day after we visited the farmers market. It was a lot more colorful than painting the frozen landscape and grays of January!!!!
Coming unraveled around you! - Yep another one of those commentaries on very human relationships, just not so obvious.I love these to get people thinking. This in particular is about a recent love of mine and how we don't always follow the safe and obvious path in affairs of the heart
Natural collection - Being a boy, I have an eye for things found on the ground during my travels through this world. Yes they come home with me!
Thoughts about Vincent - Not the best shot of this painting but it was a fun experience when I was given some sunflowers recently and it reminded me of Vincent.
Fine Art_Still Life
Freelance, Full-time, Moonlighting
Charles Scogins
Creative & Art Services / Management Atlanta, GA