Educational-Training Illustration Assignment - Walden Security used these illustration for training purposes, teaching employees proper search and fire procedures
Medical Illustration - This was one of 20 images explaining an experimental surgical procedure developed at Stanford University.
Callaway Gardens Food Service Illustrations - A series of illustrations produced for food service vendors at Callaway Gardens
Misery - Illustration produced for corporate internal communications.
Waffle House Illustrations - Illustrations used in POS advertising, menus and place cards.
Spokes Polly - Character created to represent food service product line.
Ornament for White House Tree 2007 - I was chosen as the artist to represent Kennesaw National Battlefield Park and create and ornament to hang on the WhiteHouse Christmas Tree.
Keystone Quality Foods Design - This was a mark designed for packaging identifying the product as a select brand for this manufacturer. It was used on their restaurant quality foods line sold to consumers through Target and Walmart Super Stores.
Chasing Daylight, Base Illustration for the Album Cover for the band Sister Hazel.
Commemorative Onsite painting for a Wedding Event.
Commissioned Screen depicting the owners of a timeshare of an old Spanish Mission.
Rocket Man, chasing your dreams. An inspirational illustration for boys.
Freelance, Full-time, Moonlighting
Charles Scogins
Creative & Art Services / Management Atlanta, GA