Newspaper ads were all we used. Each made light of shrinkage, just not the Seinfeld variety! Click the magnifying glass below to enlarge any ad.
Alas, I couldn't work a Dick Button joke in... Click the magnifying glass below to enlarge.
The magnifying glass icon below will allow you to make this ad bigger than the U's parking lots.
This is a bit on an inside joke here in Utah. For some reason, Utahns love green Jello more than the Hulk loves a good 2-for-1 sale on shirts.
University of Utah Parking Shrinkage Campaign

With the Olympics approaching, the University of Utah faced a daunting shortage of student and staff parking. My Parking Shrinkage campaign freed up 30% of the spaces in campus lots and sparked the use of mass transit, benefiting both the U and students in the long term.

Freelance, Full-time
Randy Hanskat
Advertising Copywriter / Content Writer Palos Verdes Estates, CA