Concepts - Brief was to develop a piece of street furniture for Glasgow.The Commonwealth Games will come to Glasgow in 2014, I therefore developed the brief further to "Taking a Break." During the games there will be a lot more people in the city therefore I wanted to develop a piece of furniture that would allow the user to take a quick break in whichever way they wanted.
Concepts - Brief was to develop a piece of street furniture for Glasgow.The Commonwealth Games will come to Glasgow in 2014, I therefore developed the brief further to "Taking a Break." During the games there will be a lot more people in the city therefore I wanted to develop a piece of furniture that would allow the user to take a quick break in whichever way they wanted.
Street Furniture-Final Design - My final design allows the user to lean, sit and use the street furniture in a way they are happy with. It also allows for different groups of people to use it at once. This picture shows the user sitting and leaning against the higher part.
Final Design - My final design allows the user to lean, sit and use the street furniture in a way they are happy with. It also allows for different groups of people to use it at once. This picture shows the user sitting on the taller part with their legs lying down the sloped section.
Final Design - My final design allows the user to lean, sit and use the street furniture in a way they are happy with. It also allows for different groups of people to use it at once. This picture shows the user leaning against the smaller sloped section.
3rd Yr-Street Furniture
Heather Whitty
Student- MEng Product Design Engineering Glasgow, United Kingdom