This script helps to update all existing morph targets when there is a need to tweak the mesh
This is an example of what it does.
A more personalised Naming tool, with options to substitute strings,adding numbers after the base name or the suffix
This script saves out a text file that contains all the expressions and controllers inside the morper modifier,so that it is able to load the information to another morpher modifier making it easier when there are multiple variation of the same character.
One of my earliest and favourite script, makes gathering information alot easier.
It generates strings of selected objects depending on what is needed. Various uses to gather information,collect arrays, etc.
A script to transfer materials from 1 scene to another, pretty useful at lighting stage when Max crashes and the lastest Max file's bitmap links are all missing
After saving the materials, it creates a window with a button to transfer materials to another scene. Alternatively it also generates the code in the Listener so that it can be copied and save.
This tool is requested by modeler to split the morph target into 3 axis allowing finer control.
This is an example of how it works.
Misc. Scripts

These are some of the scripts I've written to help out the workflow.

Wei Soon Lim
Generalist, Technical Artist Singapore, Singapore