Soapbox to Puppet Strings, spread 1 - After being asked to research the topic of Hitler's rise to power and could it happen again, this article was written. To emphasize the dichotomy of Hitler's regime to that of the political system of today, the imagery of a soapbox and a puppet were used in relation to the spin of the article.
Soapbox to Puppet Strings, spread 2 - Tying the soapbox imagery from the first spread to this spread made the two unified for the reader. The article speaks of the Bush family ties to Adolf Hitler and how the two achieved political and monetary success. Starting with Hitler as the master mind behind mass genocide and destruction and leading the reader to today's political leaders as puppets in the master plan of a few elitist to create a new world order.
School Layouts
Holley Codner
Graphic Designer & Writer South Haven,, MI