Bookcover: Zeixs - Graphic Design - Bookcoverdesign done for the Zeixs-Bookseries, which contains of four books and which will be realeased this summer. I´ve also been responsible for the layouts and production. check for more information.
Bookcover: Zeixs - Logo - Coverdesign for the Zeixs-Bookseries. Also see my Graphic Design - Cover for more information.
Decode Me - Cover- and booklet design.
Ivitation card for twins - Digital colage. Type is done with pencils.
Pinup Heaven Cardgame - I´ve designed this Cardgame for the german Photographer Dirk Behlau ( To be released this summer.
Vinyl Sleeve: Riot
Best Classics Cardgame - Cardgame done for It features 36 of the most beautiful oldtimer of the 50s and 60s.
Rage - This one is my hommage to the greatest actor on earth!
Graphic Design
Christian Schaarschmidt
Graphic Designer Bonn / Cologne, Germany