This is a new generation of wind power generator. T-BOX applies the same principle as those traditional ones, but not like them located against wind on the coast. T-box can be placed along the railway or subway. It is half-buried underground between the concrete sleepers, which does not disturb the normal train operating at all. On one hand it uses the underneath waste space efficiently, on the other hand it uses wind power from the train movement optimistically.

Cooperated with Ale Leonetti Luparini, Ergo2000 SRL, Italy
video presentation:
or see below

storytelling of the project background

While the train running, it generates huge wind power. The higher speed train runs, the more wind power is generated. It is said when the train speeds up to 200 km/hour, the train can generate level eight wind closely. If this power is collected and used effectively, that benefits will beyond your imagination. While laying railway racks widely, T-box would be set-up along. As a new energy acquisition mode, it is Green and brings economic benefits.

form giving and concept selecting

the processing to the final mockup and animation demo

how T-box works ?

It exhibited in Xuexue Institute, Taipei, in 2010 summer, and won Silver Award in 2010 Liteon Award

final rendering
find more details here,
if you have any question or interesting, just feel free to contact me via jiangqianjqjq@gmail.com