Buttons for Pennysaver shopper website "section" or page links from the homepage. These correspond to the sections in the weekly printed book.
PennysaverShop Logo - A logo for the Pennysaver's coupon site designed to go on the header of the website.
Workflow Chart for Website - A chart used on a web page as an illustration of a company's workflow.
A series of web ads designed for use as animated gifs or as stand alone ads.
Maryland Pennysaver Email Blast
Web Coupon Print Out - This is the final design for the printable version of Pennysaver's coupons. Along with the coupon, a map, address, phone number and qr code would be generated onto the final printed page.
Web and Mobile Devices

The following are web and mobile app related projects that I have worked on. My web experience includes initial website concept design, email marketing design and execution, webiste headers and logos and custom illustration and artwork for websites and mobile apps.

Jamie Slavy
Graphic Design, Illustration & Photography Baltimore, MD