Proof of Concept SolidWorks Model
Earlier Model Made entirely out of 3d printed parts. The friction between the legs was a little higher than we wanted, and there was too much variability with the tolerances of the 3d printed parts.
I machined the legs out of machined hardened shafts with very precise tolerances.
Final solidWorks Model. The inner line represents the minimum pipe diameter the robot will encounter, while the outer diameter represents the maximum pipe diameter the robot will see.
Finished Assembly
In-Pipe Leak Detecting Robot

This robot, designed in the Mechatronics Lab at MIT is able to quickly and cost effectively detect leaks within pipes. I worked on modifying the body of the robot so that it can change shape passively within the pipe, allowing it to expand and contract when pipe diameter changes, and when it encounters obstacles or bends in the pipe.

Jacob Rothman
Student at Massachusetts Institute of Technology Boston, MA