As a Senior Manager for the Tolly Tots line, I Managed and Art Directed all new sculpting, working closely with sculptor and the Disney teams. Finalized quality of materials and art directed the modification of dress artwork to enhance the quality of glitter printing, working within specific manufacturing limitations. Directed Face painters and hair rooters. Created design look for the new lens eyes. Traveled to China to work directly with the factories in getting the face deco and hair styling just right for production.
Senior Manager of the Tolly tots My First Princess line: Art directed deco, hair, sculpting and sewn samples.
Senior Manager of Tolly Tots My First Princess line. Art directed sculpting, deco and designed outfits for entry price point dolls.
Strawberry shortcake pitch concepts. Fashion doll sketch by Lisa Temming with apron and hat modifications by me. Baby sketch by Me.
Disney Store Exclusive Minnie Mouse I designed all the fashion packs for this absolutely adorable doll! Wish they would bring her back. It was a great toddler play doll.
Disney Stores Exclusive Fairy Dolls Designed and managed design, production and prototypes for both publishing (bottom) and CG animated versions (top) of the Disney Fairies dolls at first launch.
Disney Store Exclusive- Pocket Princess Designed the adorable little line of Pocket Princesses. A stylized version of you favorite Disney Princess characters who came in a travel purse to take them anywhere. Managed all aspects of prototype making all the way to production. Dolls designed by Me Purses designed by Christine Negosian and Developed from Prototype to Production by Me
Large and Small Dolls

Large Dolls, Baby Dolls and Small Dolls

Glitter Beast Design-...
Doll and Toy Design Professional- Consulting and Freelance Los Angeles, CA