Waters Shockwave website and CDrom - These are screen shots from this shockwave/director website/CDrom. Waters manufactures and sells equipment for analyzing blood in Hospitals. This site/CDrom catalogs them, sells parts, and offers instructions for repair. View my entire portfolio at www.heavycreamdesign.com
Forddirect.com - this site enables user to select the options they wish to have in the ford they are planning to buy. the site then locates a dealer within, or near, the user's zipcode that has that particular auto in stock. additionaly, the site enables users to apply for Ford Credit and provides contact information. this is a redesign of the site that i entirely designed. please view my entire portfolio at: www.heavycreamdesign.com
schwab.com, retirement section - schwab.com is the online presence of Charles Schwab, the brokerage. This section of Schwab.com informs users of the services Schwab provides for creating and maintaining a retirement account. Particularly, Schwab's Retirement Planner is "designed to help you analyze and evaluate your financial situation to meet your retirement goals" through the users input of the ecomonmic information specific to them. please view my entire portfolio at: www.heavycreamdesign.com
**1**the ankles (a band) flyer**2**Starfish logo**3**Ford Shift icons**4**Strategy/art icon - **1**flyer: rubber stamp on corregated cardboard. cool solution on low budget. **2**starfish logo: a team at razorfish, ny. it's center shape is the razorfish logo **3**Ford Shift: a site linking users from one of Ford Motors manufactures to it's others. Mshift for Mazda, Vshift for Volvo, etc. appear on their respective sites. **4**Strategy/Art icon: a heavy cream campaign stressing my use of art as a means toward design strategy view my entire portfolio and more at: www.heavycreamdesign.com