Sitzman-Pastir Wedding Invitations: 1 - I was trying to bring a TINY bit of punk into this invitation. Also, I thought it would be unique to separate the ceremony information from the reception information - especially because they are being held in separate towns - by means of a folding out bride and groom "silhouette".

Sitzman-Pastir Wedding Invitations: 2 - This is the concept the client chose for her wedding invitations. I hand drew the shamrock, the rings, cake, and bride & groom.

Tipton County Public Library (Logo redesign) - The TCPL is located in a farm community in Indiana, but we wanted to go in a direction that tries to, in a way, unify traditional with slightly modern tastes. They had just remodeled and looked more like your Barnes and Noble or Borders Bookstore - minus the coffee bar, unfortunately - with an overall goal to spark a renewed interest in library services.

DUB: Dog Tag Lighter - I did all the specs, measurements and all the art. This new concept/product I designed that went to mold in our Chinese factory.

High School Musical: Spin & Snap Pen - I was responsible for the concepts and the packaging, which are both brand new designs and product. To ensure that we wouldn't have rounds of revisions from our factory in China, I decided to simplify the images being silkscreened onto the blocks. It was accomplished by desaturating the photos our licensor, Disney, provided and then converting them into black and white images. Next, they were converted into vector images making color application easy. I limited the palette to two inks each side.

Leather Bracelets - I designed all the bracelets. Some of them are designs I sketched and others are clip art that I converted into vector. These designs were embossed into black or brown leather bracelets and were marketed as unisex.

Supergirl: Temporary Tattoos - I pieced together several elements from the Supergirl style guide - from shields to patterns - and thus created several new icons. I collected the Pantone palettes and applied the ones I thought might be visible on skin.

Valentine Paper Puncher

WP Mission Statement - These now hang in the conference room, affixed to the wall. Neither is wider than four feet. The photos of the children come directly from packaging of their most popular products, Hyperdash, Spy Gear, and others.

Valentine Votive Holder - A brand new product: Valentine votive holder. I did all of the designs and specs.