Pacifica Senior Mailer "Yes on Measure N" - I designed this direct mailer, but wanted to stay away from the typical pastel color palette that is used for senior citizens these days. Pacifica is a city that is all beach-side in California and my wave imagery mimics that, although perhaps too literally.

OEA "Step" - I designed the back (drew the paper doll chain, too) and did a lot of reconstructive work to the front (the yellow sign). The original image was also very dark and the client wanted it resized (smaller), but the image was already to minimum scale.I had to mock in the right side and it was somewhat difficult because there is a very delicate, visible corrugated cardboard texture to the sign. Also, the background was too time-consuming to extend nicely so I created a new one to meet our deadline.

No on F logo - I created this logo in Illustrator CS3. The client wanted a broken window motif. My logo is the official logo of the campaign and has been used on all collateral and tv ads.

No on F Mailer - I used the backdrop of the shattered window I created for the "No on F" logo and knocked it down to a 7% opacity because this document is so text-heavy and was restricted to B/W.

"Safety First"

San Ramon Schools flyer

"Welcome Neiman Marcus" ad