UN Architecture and Design Project - This image shows the how the tents could be arranged to give a community feel (bottom right), also shown is a section of a tent to show the amount of space the users would each receive (bottom left).
Each family would get two sections of the tent split into a living and sleeping area.

UN Architecture and Design Project - Our idea revolved around the community feel, this is done by joining a number of these hexagons to create a enclosed and safe area.
The tent would be put up easily with the central rope providing the tension to hold the shape.

UN Architecture and Design Project - This project was to design a facility for the UN to use that will improve the quality of life for people who have been left homeless due to various disasters.

HTC Phone CAD Model - CAD model of the HTC S710 mobile phone, modelled using Rhinoceros and rendered using Flamingo.

HTC Phone CAD Model - CAD model of the HTC S710 mobile phone, modelled using Rhinoceros and rendered using Flamingo.

Saeco Odea CAD Model - CAD model of the Saeco Odea coffee machine, modelled in Rhinoceros and rendered in Flamingo.

BISLEY Filing Cabinet Design - Filing cabinet design for the manufacturer Bisley.
Shows size of filing cabinet and look at the two top sections that can be removed and used to transport goods.

BISLEY Filing Cabinet Design - Filing cabinet design for the manufacturer Bisley.
This image shows the detachable section for uses around the office and transporting documents home.

Automata - Spiralling automata design.



Design Show

Design Show

Design Show

Design Show

Design Show - End of year show design done by me and three other designers at UWE.