pilot - self portrait
chicken shack
2009 xmas card
Illustration Test - University of Oregon
Her one single row (part one of two) - Collaborative project. Art and concept: John e Boylan Direction and Inspiration: Jessica B. Raetzke
Her tools upon the ground (part two of two) - Collaborative project. Art and concept: John e Boylan Direction and Inspiration: Jessica B. Raetzke
10 Second Gesture Drawings
30 Second Gesture Drawings
One Minute Life Drawing
Two Minute Gesture Drawing
Sketchbook People
Extended Poses
Sketchbook Misc.
Model Sheet "Woodley"
Nick. Illustration Test "Sponge Bob"
Sketchbook Misc. Character Design
Sketchbook Character Sketches
Storyboards "Guernica"
Storyboards "CB Trouble"
Storyboards "Snail Wants My Dinner"
Storyboards "Spunj Capsules"
Sketch Book
John E Boylan
Artist/Architect New Orleans, LA