Inspiration imagery
Rough thumbnail sketch to get an idea of the basic shape.
A little more refined sketch.
First pass in Illustrator. This option was not quite lively enough.
I used a different face for reference since the previous draft was too similar to Rosie the Riveter.
The previous face didn't look right so I studied pin-up style artwork seen on WWII airplanes and 1950's and 60's women in sci-fi. I wanted a strong face but not as harsh of a mouth as the previous draft.
Initial rendering felt a little off in the midsection.
After further anatomy reference, I emphasized her hip and made her more muscular.
Dot shading effect used to give the image a vintage pulp magazine look.
Dot shading effect used to give the image a vintage pulp magazine look.
The final graphic after multiple treatments and revisions.
Girl of Tomorrow - Shirt / Sticker Graphic

I set out to create a propaganda poster for a retro futuristic war with a strong and sexy female character. Many early sci-fi films portrayed women as a secondary character or ditzy sidekick. Rosie the Riveter is one of my favorite propaganda pieces and speaks on the many women who took over the physical labor, industrial, factory jobs that men had before the war. Future Rosie is strong, fearless, and doesn't need anyone to talk for her. She let's her Raygun do her talking.

Freelance, Full-time, Moonlighting
Jon Hill
Sr. Branding | Footwear | Apparel Graphic Designer Beaverton, OR