Rhino rendering - The ceramic bowl design was inspired from flower petals, and the wooden tray is in a leaf shape pattern. This rendering was done in Rhino and is a replica of the original set that was made in ceramic.
Rhino rendering - The ceramic bowl design was inspired from flower petals, and the wooden tray is in a leaf shape pattern. This rendering was done in Rhino and is a replica of the original set that was made in ceramic.
Marker renderings of a squeege
Saarinen chair charcoal
Saarinen chair ink
Saarinen chair marker
Saarinen chair pastel
drill marker rendering
Marker rendering with pastel and pencil on Canson paper
Acrylic violet painting
Market and pastel rendering of baby Sippy cups
renderings and drawings
Joyce Troy
3DEA Asssociate Hingham, MA