Allegro 234 branding web restyling, usb cards and landing page - Concept, design and development of the site and online applications || for Allegro 234 | Madrid | 2012 ||
Tools: Photoshop, Illustrator, XHTML, CSS, JS, PHP and Squarespace

Mailing Juanjook photogallery - Travel web design || juanjook.com/galeria | Alicante | 2011 ||

Online several projects - MEC 2011 Scholarship / 3 and 6 weeks
Maxilofacial Surgery Rafa de Paz
Development and Implementation
Taxis for Dogs Dogcab.com
Costablanca Real Estate
Costablanca Real Estate Interface for Arts School
Mailing Juanjook photogallery
Newsletter to NetConsulting ||
Tools: Photoshop, XHTML, JSCSS, PHP

Online several projects - MEC 2011 Scholarship / 3 and 6 weeks
Maxilofacial Surgery Rafa de Paz
Development and Implementation
Taxis for Dogs Dogcab.com
Costablanca Real Estate
Costablanca Real Estate Interface for Arts School
Mailing Juanjook photogallery
Newsletter to NetConsulting ||
Tools: Photoshop, XHTML, JSCSS, PHP

Online several projects - MEC 2011 Scholarship / 3 and 6 weeks
Maxilofacial Surgery Rafa de Paz
Development and Implementation
Taxis for Dogs Dogcab.com
Costablanca Real Estate
Costablanca Real Estate Interface for Arts School
Mailing Juanjook photogallery
Newsletter to NetConsulting ||
Tools: Photoshop, XHTML, JSCSS, PHP

Online several projects - MEC 2011 Scholarship / 3 and 6 weeks
Maxilofacial Surgery Rafa de Paz
Development and Implementation
Taxis for Dogs Dogcab.com
Costablanca Real Estate
Costablanca Real Estate Interface for Arts School
Mailing Juanjook photogallery
Newsletter to NetConsulting ||
Tools: Photoshop, XHTML, JSCSS, PHP

Online several projects - MEC 2011 Scholarship / 3 and 6 weeks
Maxilofacial Surgery Rafa de Paz
Development and Implementation
Taxis for Dogs Dogcab.com
Costablanca Real Estate
Costablanca Real Estate Interface for Arts School
Mailing Juanjook photogallery
Newsletter to NetConsulting ||
Tools: Photoshop, XHTML, JSCSS, PHP

Allegro 234 branding web restyling, usb cards and landing page - Concept, design and development of the site and online applications || for Allegro 234 | Madrid | 2012 ||
Tools: Photoshop, Illustrator, XHTML, CSS, JS, PHP and Squarespace

Online several projects - MEC 2011 Scholarship / 3 and 6 weeks
Maxilofacial Surgery Rafa de Paz
Development and Implementation
Taxis for Dogs Dogcab.com
Costablanca Real Estate
Costablanca Real Estate Interface for Arts School
Mailing Juanjook photogallery
Newsletter to NetConsulting ||
Tools: Photoshop, XHTML, JSCSS, PHP

Online several projects - MEC 2011 Scholarship / 3 and 6 weeks
Maxilofacial Surgery Rafa de Paz
Development and Implementation
Taxis for Dogs Dogcab.com
Costablanca Real Estate
Costablanca Real Estate Interface for Arts School
Mailing Juanjook photogallery
Newsletter to NetConsulting ||
Tools: Photoshop, XHTML, JSCSS, PHP

online pieces - Bacardi Banner
Media Outlet
Mailing Juanjook photogallery
Ioco Security Icons
Mailing 09

online pieces - Bacardi Banner
Media Outlet
Mailing Juanjook photogallery
Ioco Security Icons
Mailing 09

online pieces - Bacardi Banner
Media Outlet
Mailing Juanjook photogallery
Ioco Security Icons
Mailing 09

online pieces - Bacardi Banner
Media Outlet
Mailing Juanjook photogallery
Ioco Security Icons
Mailing 09

Allegro 234 branding web restyling, usb cards and landing page - Concept, design and development of the site and online applications || for Allegro 234 | Madrid | 2012 ||
Tools: Photoshop, Illustrator, XHTML, CSS, JS, PHP and Squarespace

DCAW Alicante Meeting -
07/2011-11/2011 \ Alicante \ Web design and web programming \
- Conceptualization, design and layout of the 1st event design, branding, industrial and eco-design in the province of Alicante.
- Responsible for communication and publishing.
- Interior Development and programming: XHTML, JS, CSS, PHP and Flash.

Allegro 234 branding web restyling, usb cards and landing page - Concept, design and development of the site and online applications || for Allegro 234 | Madrid | 2012 ||
Tools: Photoshop, Illustrator, XHTML, CSS, JS, PHP and Squarespace

online pieces - Bacardi Banner
Media Outlet
Mailing Juanjook photogallery
Ioco Security Icons
Mailing 09

DCAW Alicante Meeting -
07/2011-11/2011 \ Alicante \ Web design and web programming \
- Conceptualization, design and layout of the 1st event design, branding, industrial and eco-design in the province of Alicante.
- Responsible for communication and publishing.
- Interior Development and programming: XHTML, JS, CSS, PHP and Flash.

DCAW Alicante Meeting -
07/2011-11/2011 \ Alicante \ Web design and web programming \
- Conceptualization, design and layout of the 1st event design, branding, industrial and eco-design in the province of Alicante.
- Responsible for communication and publishing.
- Interior Development and programming: XHTML, JS, CSS, PHP and Flash.

online pieces - Bacardi Banner
Media Outlet
Mailing Juanjook photogallery
Ioco Security Icons
Mailing 09

Allegro 234 branding web restyling, usb cards and landing page - Concept, design and development of the site and online applications || for Allegro 234 | Madrid | 2012 ||
Tools: Photoshop, Illustrator, XHTML, CSS, JS, PHP and Squarespace

online pieces - Bacardi Banner
Media Outlet
Mailing Juanjook photogallery
Ioco Security Icons
Mailing 09