Till we meet again - Hanako is actually only about 5 feet tall and Ryuu is a good 6 foot 2, and in this picture he's holding her up. I'm totally in love with Ryuu's jade eyes.
I can't seem to kill my assailants - This is Ryan and Hanako. Ryan is Hanako's second love and there's this intense love triangle going on in the story, but Ryan has golden hair and "sky blue" eyes. I was really ify on making a guy with such dark skin but it ended up looking amazing I think. Oh, and he's VERY protective of Hanako because he doesnt want her to get hurt.
Hanako - This is Hanako, and it wasn't until I really developed her character in the story that I established how she looked in comparison to the previous picture she's in. I really love this picture and boy do I wish I could get amazing voluminousness hair like hers.
Written in Silver Thread