Retro Feel Jackal
Designing a classical and modern design on two wheels
Old with the new

Great to work with images from a talented freelance Actress Cheryl Burniston. Provides the right look for this concept :)
Urban "Jackal" Motorbike

Jackal in Deep Red

Jackal : Final Image
The design idea was to create something with a mix of vintage and modern.
For now this project is finished but Im always tinkering.

Jackal in Burnt Orange

A turn for the dark sporty side.

Jackal in Aqua

Jackal in Green

Jackal Motorbike. The story so far.
Adding details and now branding it "Jackal"

Engine model - working on parts for my bike purely as visuals from 3Ds Max

Urban naked bike

Urban naked bike

Urban naked bike

Jekal - This is a work in progress model
Building 3D techniques as I go along, can't wait for get into rendering.