Sanjha Safar - Event on Federalism

Conceived as an outreach event on the theme of ‘Federalism’, Sanjha Safar ran for 4 days on the Rajpath lawns in New Delhi in early November 2007. It ran parallel to the Global Conference on Federalism held at the Vigyan Bhawan. The focus of the event was to demystify the federal nature of Indian Government through a series of installations, performances, dialogues and discussions on various aspects of federal structures and how they affect everyday life in myriad ways.

Tree of Life installation
The Tree of Life is the universal symbol of growth and interconnectedness of all living beings, and as such, was the perfect metaphor for Federalism. Situated at the junction of two walkways, the Tree of Life exhibit and two large trees at this junction formed a crossroad where performances, intimate lectures and daily invocation ceremonies were held. The Tree literally grew in size and meaning over the four days of the event as people added their wishes, prayers and talismans to it.

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Kiba Design
Product Design + Innovation Consulting, New Delhi New Delhi, India