Creative Direction and Photo Art Direction: Kim Riordan
Clients: Sony Music Entertainment, NYC/LA; Kathy Smith Lifestyles, LA, CA
Design: Scott McClean
Photography: Cory Sorenson

Kathy Smith: Moving Through Menopause Book - Creative Direction, Photo Art Direction, Design:
Kim Riordan
Clients: Sony Music Entertainment, NYC/LA; Kathy Smith Lifestyles, LA, CA
Photography: Richard Hume

ESPN X GAMES APPAREL GRAPHIC – Creative Direction and Design: Kim Riordan, Riordan Studio, Venice, CA. Design: Luanne Collins. Client: Fortune Fashions, LA, CA.

ESPN X GAMRES | APPAREL GRAPHIC – Design: Kim Riordan, Luanne Collins
Design Firm: Riordan Studio, Venice, CA.
Client: Fortune Fashions, LA, CA. For: ESPN X Games

MINNA LESSIG | ONE MINUTE WORKOUT DVD AND GUIDE – Art Direction and Design: Kim Riordan
Clients: Sony Music Entertainment, NYC/LA
Packaging Photography: Corey Sorensen, Bill Inoshita
Still Life Photography: Kathlene Persoff
Design: Scott McClean

SESAME STREET | HAPPY HEALTHY MONSTERS DVD and GROWTH CHART – Creative Direction and Photo Art Direction: Kim Riordan, Peter McKennan
Design: Kim Riordan, Scott McClean
Sesame Street DVD Package With Enclosed Growth Chart
Clients: Sony Music Entertainment, NYC/LA, Sesame Workshop, NYC
Photography: John Barrett
Photo Stylist: Danielle Obinger

PILATES PLUS | PROMOTIONAL CARD and BUSINESS CARD – Design Firm: Riordan Studio, Los Angeles, CA
Design: Liz Pangerl, Kim Riordan
Client: Pilates Plus, Los Angeles
and Long Beach, CA