Industry Jewelry - I designed this logo for a jewelry designer that described her work as urban organic. Not an easy feat, but I think with the use of a dirty font mixed with the clean lines of the leaf, it portrays the feel she was looking for.
Baking for the taking - When a whimsical pastry chef approached me about doing a logo for her new catering business I just couldn't say no, ah the fun. I wanted to reflect a playful and straight forward look for her, which was achieved by sketching then tracing the to-go box.
Denver Uncommon - This client wanted a logo that was fairly straight forward. Because the name of his company doesn't necessarily say photography, I decided to create a slightly over stated camera vector.
Company event logo for seminar - This logo was used in-house at Richmond American. Home Gallery professionals hosted a seminar on how to better lead their sales teams.
Richmond American's 2008 Sales Rally logo
Kristen Swanson
Graphic Designer Denver, CO