UChicago Farmers Market

Goal: To foster a connection between students at UChicago and local farmers markets.
Created brand and logo.
Created flyers and posted 300+ around prominent locations on campus.
Created table tents for dining halls and local businesses.
Organized busses to and from markets.
Fostered connection between the University and local farmers.
300+ attendees, a reported 450% increase from usual local market attendance.

Every year, the University of Chicago sponsors one or two student projects. These projects are proposed by students and must benefit both the University and the surrounding community. I was one of the students who proposed a trek to farmers markets in the area to support local businesses and bring food to students (the community is a food desert).

I formulated a brand for the event based upon the interests of the student population and utilized flyers, table tents, newspaper ads, word of mouth, social media, and partnerships.

Lauren Riensche
Marketing & Advertising Professional Milwaukee, WI