Women's Rugby Team

Goal: To rebrand the Women's Rugby Team at UChicago and to promote the team's annual Prom Dress Rugby event.
About 275 attendees (234% increase in attendance).
Created team logo (no logo before).
Created email sent out to school and alumni (1,000+ recipients).
Revamped Facebook page, went from 12 likes to 133 likes (121% increase).

Before coming to The Mark, the marketing organization at UChicago, the Women's Rugby Team did not have a solidified brand. They were looking to create a logo and a brand image, as well as attract students and alumni to their annual Prom Dress Rugby event in the spring.

I helped to create their brand image, re-do their Facebook page, order themed merchandise, write press releases and emails, and to advise them for going forward with the materials created.

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Lauren Riensche
Marketing & Advertising Professional Milwaukee, WI