Residential - A high level of subjectivity forms the core feature of residential design; addressing this, I tend to work around the personalised echelons of the inhabitants. Comprehending seemingly insignificant details often goes a long way in designing according to distinct persona – with an open broad-base eye on their interpersonal and inter-societal relationships within a contemporary scenario.
Corporate projects - Reinventing myself with every project is more like second nature than a conscious effort. My approach to corporate design has been more focussed on an equilibrium that defines the humanity-design innovation-environmental comfort ratio per se, succinctly incorporated in the visual-tactile arena that marks the image/ brand.
Retail - Here designing encompasses a vision – of the client’s objectives; the customer base; the market segment, projections etc. Again individuality is at a premium. I can never equate two retail environments despite their similar product portfolios.
Interior Design Portfolio
Lalit Hira
Interior and Furniture Designer Mumbai, India