Fashion Accessories Bloomingdale's, New York
Handbags Bloomingdale's, New York
HAIRSPRAY - These mannequins are dressed in fashions that were sold at stores "HAIRSPRAY" shop. Bloomingdale's, New York
HAIRSPRAY - I styled all of the wigs. Bloomingdale's, New York
HAIRSPRAY SHOP- Custom designed fixtures and graphic signage were created to elevate the impact. Bloomingdale's, New York
Mariebelle Chocolates - A temporary shop was created to emulate the company's packaging. Graphics, color and shelving add impact to the holiday shop. Bloomingdale's, New York
Mariebelle Chocolates Bloomingdale's, New York
Mariebelle Chocolates - A temporary cafe was created. The table tops were inspired by actual chocolate designs. Bloomingdale's, New York
Mariebelle Chocolates - A temporary cafe was created. The table tops were inspired by actual chocolate designs. Bloomingdale's, New York
Treats and Sweets Candy Shop - Concept drawing. Bloomingdale's, New York
Sweets and Treats Holiday Shop - 5th Floor Custom table risers, overlays and graphics created an upscale look. Bloomingdale's, New York
Sweets and Treats Holiday Shop - 5th floor Bloomingdale's, New York
Sweets and Treats Holiday Shop - 5th Floor Custom shelving units and graphics were created to mimic the candy packaging. Bloomingdale's, New York
Sweets and Treats Holiday Shop - 5th Floor - Vinyl lettering applied to the custom headers entice shoppers throughout the floor. Bloomingdale's, New York
Sweets and Treats Holiday Shop - 5th Floor Adding shelving, platforms and merchandisers added much needed capacity on the existing columns. Bloomingdale's, New York
Sweets and Treats Holiday Shop- 5th Floor Bloomingdale's, New York
Wine Shop Bloomingdale's, New York
Flower Shop - Re-purposed fixtures, displays and graphics made this an inviting seasonal shop. Bloomingdale's, New York
Flower Shop - Custom designed fixtures, graphics and displays brought this to another shopping experience. Bloomingdale's, New York
Kiosk - Designed Merchandising Fixtures for existing mall kiosk. Animal Haus, Green Acres Mall, New York

Throughout the year trends and merchandise highlights need to wow the customer. Here are a some shops and outposts that take inspiration from the merchandise.

Freelance, Moonlighting
Lee Harrison