Reeses Commercial

It’s Halloween and four adorable girls are trick-or-treating. The neighbors ask them all about their costumes, 3 of them are your usual charming 4/5-year olds (one is a princess, one a ballerina, one a mermaid)-but one of them is a chubby, freckled red-haired girl dressed as a carrot. They go along, door to door, and you see comical bits of our carrot-character feeling like somewhat of an outcast (they take a picture and all you see is the top of her costume, she walks behind other girls with her head down, etc). Finally, they knock on an old woman’s door. She comes out and says “oh what do we have here?” and hands generic candy to the 3 pretty girls, then she turns to the red-haired one and whispers “something special for someone special”- and hands her the product we are promoting (kinder surprise chocolate, for example)

Leslie Rodriguez
Jr.Copywriter at Dieste Inc. Dallas, TX