
AW 2014-15

Textiles and Design by:
Charlotte Lim Pei Xuan

SHARKAN is an AW 2014-15 womenswear textiles collection that is inspired by the fishing culture and aspects of Scottish fiechermen. It is based on the poem "The Net" by renowned Sottish poet George Mackay Brown. "The Net" explores the process and perseverance of perfecting a traditional craft, emphasizing on the various knotting techniques that are specific to net making and fishing as well as the Celtic roots of Scotland that will come to play with the motifs elements. The visual aesthetic of Tartan, the iconic and traditional textile of Scotland, will be explored and translated in a new way alongside the elements of the poem, in an attempt to renew the world's interest in them.

Pei Xuan Lim
Fashion, Textiles and Print Designer, Graphic and Illustrations, 3D, Knit Singapore, Singapore