Design Process Philosophy - Design is the discipline of giving form to the systems and objects that serve the scape of humanity. Design is the SIGN or form giving semantic function of bringing substance from essence. Design is the creative central integrative force to forge unique works into the competitive domain of the intelligent customer. Designers are agents of change by methods of creation, transformation or preservation.
Discipline Integration Interaction - Design is not a subset or derivative of engineering, marketing or production but is an interactive integrative relationship with all three, to solve the needs of users within the framework of global competitive corporate strategies. Design works within criteria, constraints, characteristics, limitations and opportunities to develop solutions based on emerging technology, materials & processes and sales & distribution relating to human, technical and economic factors.
Design Phase Interaction - With a foundation on corporate strategy, industrial design provides the professional design integration engine to translate customer focus into corporate identity, product branding, product, package, display, exhibition, fleet, environmental, architectural and diverse marketing/customer support media, with 2D and 3D design solutions.
ErgoSpaceā„¢ © 1993 Lloyd Philpótt - Users want solutions that work. Users buy what they see, feel, like and want to understand. Users buy what they believe will serve their own success, their appearance, their work. Users are brand lovers of solutions that speak to their desire to be seen, felt, liked and understood, to succeed. Users are brand haters of self serving brands that undermine their ability to succeed.
Design Process
Lloyd Philpo'tt