Components of a motion graphic used for regional conference. The populations of North Africa & Middle Eastern Nations (as of 2013)
1 of 5 poster series highlighting the economy, population, and markets of Indonesia.
1 of 5 poster series highlighting the economy, population, and markets of Indonesia.
1 of 5 poster series highlighting the economy, population, and markets of Indonesia.
1 of 5 poster series highlighting the economy, population, and markets of Indonesia.
1 of 4 poster series depicting market segments and associated segment ownership of various corporations for each. All data collected from Data Monitor circa 2013.
1 of 5 poster series highlighting the economy, population, and markets of Indonesia.
1 of 4 poster series depicting market segments and associated segment ownership of various corporations for each. All data collected from Data Monitor circa 2013.
2013 India Infographic Poster
visual break down of the Air Care Category (2013)
The base of a mock ad calling out the benefit of an anti-pollution product. Products not shown.
Graphic Communication Samples

Various samples of graphic communication and graphic design.

Jessica LoVerso
Design Researcher San Jose, CA