Ao Pé da Letra

Ao Pé da Letra is a book collection box which all of them are written by Brazilian authors and the purpose is to associate each story with a figure of speech in Portuguese. The concepts of the covers are based on this association and the books are José de Alencar´s "Iracema", Machado de Assis´ "Memórias Póstumas de Brascubas", Jorge Amado´s "Capitães da Areia", Graciliano Ramos´ "Vidas Secas" and Clarice Lispector´s "A Paixão Segundo GH".

Credits: Luiz Henrique Lula, Gabriela Casellato, Jéssica Mendes, Melanie Mosquera and Thais Brasil

Book Covers :

Iracema: Marina Knok
Vidas Secas: Luiz H. Lula
Capitães da Areia: Melanie Mosquera
A paixão segundo G.H.: Jéssica Mendes
Macunaíma: Luiz H. Lula
Memórias Póstumas de Brascubas: Gabriela Casellato

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Marina Knok
Graphic Designer São Paulo, Brazil