color range selection process
full set covering all types of sockets and switches, Set of pictograms by
first maquette
first maquette
scale model work progress - clay working models, CAD models, CNC milling, profile turning, painting, assembling
home electrical installation set

PROJECT DESCRIPTION: 24-pieces home electrical installation set designed for specifi ed technological system of ABB
DESIGN: Magdalena Curdová, Tereza Matyášková
COOPERATION: logo and set of pictograms for the Lumen set comes from a type foundry Sudetype
STUDY: 04/2011
REALISATION: in realisation
AWARDS: ABB 20design11: Winning design (Student category + the total winner), National Student Design Award 2011: Good Design Award

Magdalena Peddle
MgA. (Master of Arts) London, United Kingdom