Final Major Project: Domestic Fire Safety Devices

Final Major Project: Domestic Fire Safety Devices

The Brief

“Today house fires can become uncontrollable in less than 3 minutes, compared to an average time of 17 minutes in 1975.”

“Only 20% of the reported fires occurred between 11pm and 7am, however 52% of deaths happen due to fires reported at these hours.”Source: National Fire Prevention Agency (NFPA) report titled ‘Home structure fires’

To design a collection of products that operate together to create an effective domestic fire detection and extinguishing solution, for example a fire extinguisher and smoke detector. The collection as a whole, should perform its task greater than the sum of its parts, in order to encourage user uptake of the whole collection to increase their safety from products, that are often disregarded or forgotten about.

Martyn Billings
Product Design Student Coventry, United Kingdom