2004-03-11 Twirl [1920x1200] by Marshall Huffman - A pencil sketch done on 8.5"x11" paper by my brother Marshall of his beloved stuffed tigress Twirl; later shaded by me without his permission. I modified the aspect ratio to fit a 1920x1200 computer display. (Thanks, Content-Aware Scale!)
ART 237 Hubcap Self-Portrait - Everything you see here is as it was. The lightbulb over my head was a happy accident.
ART 237 Chameleon - A sighting of the rare “overworked” species of Chameleon, prized for its unusually dark coloring.
ART 237 Chameleon - Scratch Board - Genus Scribbleoptidae Scratchboardicus.
ART 237 Chameleon - Genus Inclinus Terroptidae.
2004-05-25 ART 237 Good Vs. Evil — Qui-Gon Jinn — Print - Part of a much larger composition that was later inked, this portion of the drawing was about the size of a postage stamp. This version is cropped and framed for printing.
2004-07-17 ART 238 Muscular Man - Source is a low-res digital camera photo.
2004-07-28 ART 238 Audrey Hepburn - Source is a low-res digital photograph, somewhat improved in Photoshop. (If you look closely, you can still see the thumb tacks along the edge.) The original was done on very large paper.
2007-02-19 ART 115 Project #4: Color — Sandwich Triptych - Colored Pencil - Triptych of a sandwich, in stylized, abstract, and pencil forms - with this, a colored pencil version, made later.
2010-11-10 Parasaurolophus for Elysia Schweitzer Birthday - Done as a birthday card for a four-year-old neighbor into dinosaurs. The background was added later in Photoshop.
2011-11-10 Triceratops for Elysia Schweitzer Birthday - Next in the series of birthday cards for now five-year-old Elysia Schweitzer, this is a representation of the hand-made stuffed triceratops she received that year.
2012-03-03 Self Portrait (Graphite)
2015-12-04 Androgynous Person, Pen. This is my standard scribblings where I'm too lazy to do research or have reference materials. Proportions are obviously all weird, and as usual I've overworked it to death. What's that, you say? Necks don't have that many tendons? ANATOMY FAIL.
2015-12-13 to 15 — Carrie Brownstein. Grid method. 18"×24". Mixed media (pencil, pen, Sharpie, whiteout, pastel). Approx. 12 hours over four work days. Source: digital camera photo. Processed with Photoshop.
2015-12-16 to 24 — Jennifer Connelly. Grid method. 18"×24". Graphite and white-out (for select highlights). Approx. 17 hours over six work days. Source: digital camera photo. Processed with Photoshop.
Freelance, Moonlighting
Mathew Huffman
Person. OR