Peirce Hill Residence Glass Sculpture

This completed NWS piece is made up of various sections scattered throughout a large entrance lobby within a private residence, in Singapore. The principle components are glass, stainless steel and aircraft cable, which includes the sculpture fabric itself, as well as the structural interface within the building structure.

The various groups of glass panels were located over, under and around a series of ramps, walkways and columns, some of which locations created substantial challenges in hanging and installation methodologies. Circulation space and head clearances limit suspension cable space, which led to certain pieces being hung from others.

With a large number of locations comes a large number of connections, into various types of construction and finishes. There 8 varieties of structural interface and hardware to match, some tapping into the building's steelwork, others the skylight mullions and others directly into stone walls.

Company: Nikolas Weinstein Studio

Matthew Hayes
Technical Designer San Francisco, CA