Body Shape - Cov Uni

This project given to me whilst at Coventry University was called Body Shape.

We were given the opportunity to chose a material of our choice to make something which can be used on the body.

I had a lot of scrap Vinyl left over after volunteering at a signage company in the past, so I chose to use Vinyl as my material of choice.

I got a hold of a mannequin and began using the material and working without any agenda or end result in mind, but wanted to create something different and playful.

I ended up creating two separate costumes. The first one I created a costume which I worked as freely and had no agenda for.

The second I created a costume where I tried covering up the body parts which are normally exposed and exposed those which are normally covered.

Molly Crofts
First Class BSc (Hons) in Product Design Bristol, United Kingdom