Studio Coffee for the Creative - After three plus years in art school and countless cups of coffee with my peers in our various studios, all day long, I chose to develop a coffee brand just for people like us. The fallowing describes my hypothetical coffee company Studio. It is designed for young creative and vivid personalities. Studio's goal is cultivate a community of young artists and creative thinkers, while delivering them a quality, Fair Trade certified brew to help fuel their individual and collective innovation.
The goal of this brand essence book is to describe the personality of Studio and its costumers through image, typography, language, presentation, and overall design. The book is a japanese stab-stitch hand-bound edition of two. It's slip package is made from a used printmaking apron.
For a more detailed description of the brand, as well as the creative writing involved in the book, please visit
For a more detailed description of the brand, as well as the creative writing involved in the book, please visit
For a more detailed description of the brand, as well as the creative writing involved in the book, please visit
For a more detailed description of the brand, as well as the creative writing involved in the book, please visit
For a more detailed description of the brand, as well as the creative writing involved in the book, please visit
For a more detailed description of the brand, as well as the creative writing involved in the book, please visit
For a more detailed description of the brand, as well as the creative writing involved in the book, please visit
book in slip package
This poster is a grassroots campaign for Studio. It advertises a gallery hop of sorts in which businesses of Court St. in Athens, Ohio turn their basements into gallery spaces for a variety of local artists. Included are events such as live music, artist workshops and open discussions, poetry slams, and improv comedy.
Studio Coffee for the Creative

Studio is coffee for the creative. This brand essence book describes the personality of my hypothetical coffee brand, Studio