Branded apparel for Wyrd Solutions
BrightLine Business cards - Because some employees work remotely, I designed a card that functioned both with and without an address.
Proposed Brand Marks for Accounting Firm
Final AMI Identity
Proposed National Identity System - AMI - Proposed National identity system for AMI, a non-profit organization dedicated to providing a promising future to troubled youth. AMI is comprised of 55 schools throughout the US.
Proposed Local Identity System - AMI - Proposed National identity system for AMI, a non-profit organization dedicated to providing a promising future to troubled youth. AMI is comprised of 55 schools throughout the US offering one of 5 environments, indicated by the highlighted icon in the footer.
Early renditions of brandmarks - AMI
Logos & Identity
Freelance, Full-time, Moonlighting
Nicole Hignett
Self Motivated Passionate Artist Tampa, FL