Render of CPD-01 in Fusion360
Render of CPD-01 in Fusion360
Render of CPD-01 in Fusion360
All the components laid-out, ready for assembly
Assembly of the empty frame and H2O2 thruster
Final assembly of the CPD-01
Team picture with the final assembly
CubeSat Propulsion Demonstrator (CPD-01)

The CPD-01 short for CubeSat Propulsion Demonstrator was my Bachelor thesis in a 3 headed team. My part was the electronics, this provided power & control for the H2O2 thruster, attitude control, BMS and telemerty to transfer certain data. The CPD-01 is fully in-house developed, manufactured, assembeld, and tested.

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Niels Baele
Engineer Zottegem, Belgium