Feelings... - I, some nights, dream that I can let my soul rest in peaceful arms... Those arms in which all my pains and all my joys can freely express themselves... And only happyness in her kind smile, love in our hearts...
Apple Airport - That was my first Alias Studiotools/Autostudio modelling and rendering exercise... P.S. : a great special thanks to Mr. Johnatan Ive... Sir, just a big sincere thank you for having change the face of computing world
Clay-like rendering - We have been told to model as near as possible of the A-class modeling level one car and to compute a clay-like rendering with Alias Maya but without any Global Illumination and/or Final Gather rendering techniques, only by using normal lights such as Spots, Directionnals, Point light...
a school CG rendering exercise... - Another school rendering exercise, but this time with Christian Dior's "J'adore"
iPod - shaders quite finished... work in progress/ layout in progress too