Peace Lutheran Church

A new worship facility on a greenfield site, with provisions for expansion in three directions.

A newly-formed congregation sought help designing a place to call home. Their budget was tight and Christmas day was looming. We started with listening sessions in April, completed construction documents in August and construction completion by Christmas.

Responding to client desires, the church reflects a modern take on traditional Lutheran forms, strongly focusing worship on the altar and cross, while secreting projector and screens out of view.

The building envelope performs very well thermally, due to the continuous external insulation. This strategy allowed for speedier construction,and allowing the roof trusses to create a duct work plenum, resulting in an efficient and invisible heating and ventilation system.

Peter's Role: Project Architect, with three interns assisting. Product designed while employed with Nor-Son, Inc. Photography by Scott Amundson.

Peter Schmelzer
Senior Project Architect Minneapolis, MN