Fork Narancs - Cutlery for people whit disabilities
Spoon Narancs - Cutlery for people whit disabilities
Knife Narancs - Cutlery for people whit disabilities
Fork Narancs - Cutlery for people whit disabilities
Knife Narancs - Cutlery for people whit disabilities
Spoon Narancs - Cutlery for people whit disabilities
Narancs - Cutlery for people whit disabilities
Narancs - Cutlery for people whit disabilities


- Develop cutlery that meet the needs of people with motor disability during their meals.

- The Narancs cutlery are specific for people who need to use special cutlery during their meals, people with arthritis or grip loss.
- Ergonomic and with a soft touch it is easily to adapt to the hands of users.
- Attractive and fun the Narancs are lightweight and ergonomic.

Raquel Giacomazzi Rahman
Bachelor of Industrial Design New York, NY