This is supposed to be a pin. I designed this for a competition hosted by FTC (first tech challenge.) My submission printed nicely. You can view the whole project here:
Cargill sponsored our 3D printer at school. They provided the machine and materials required to print 3D objects. In return I was asked to design a 3D printable version of their logo as a gift for their generosity. This is what I came up with. You can view the full project here:
A couple of student and I were asked to make a presentation providing information on why our school needed a 3D printer. We presented in front of Cargill and they were generous enough to grant us the money to purchase the machine and materials. The logo I designed is featured in this photo. They were extremely happy with the outcome.
3D Printer Work

This folder features designs I have made to be printed by my school's 3D printer.

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