
Sybenetix is the leading Enterprise Behavioural Analytics company working with hedge funds, banks and asset managers to systematically improve investment performance and conduct management at the individual, team and company-wide level.

Investment teams use Sybenetix Edge to improve success rates, capital allocation, stock selection and timing. Compliance teams use Sybenetix Compass to analyse all trades and unusual behaviour, automatically flagging and investigating suspicious activities. Institutions use one System to increase skill behind performance and manage conduct and risk more effectively to attract assets and build reputation.

Starting with the creation of the most complex UIs we have ever created for the two platforms, Compass and Edge, we then went on to develop their brand and website.

Sybenetix were then nominated for the FIntech50 2015 and were present to the New York Financial Community by Boris Johnson earlier this year.

Rich Clayton
UI / UX, Digital Design and Direction Guildford, United Kingdom