
Alice’s Adventure In Wonderland is a literary masterpiece, beloved by children and adults alike. This title has remained culturally important more than 150 years after its first print. Alice has been reinvented within print as well as upon the big and silver screen. Lewis Carroll was a charming and intelligent man and his life inspires its own stories and tales.

My goal was to completely layout this classic piece of literature (by means of the Gutenberg-Project) in addition to coupling it with my own illustrated style. I expanded upon this re-creation by adding QR Codes that when scanned reveal bits of trivia. I later went on to add augmented reality elements employing a program named Aurasma. This is a piece for the tech savvy who also still
enjoys the feel of physical books—a collectors’ edition. To cap this project each book was pressed, cut and perfect bound by myself,
in total I created approximately 20 books.

Shannon Pounds
Graphic Designer Chicago, IL